Advanced vocab 05

Advanced vocabulary

1.Infallible-someone incapable of making mistakes
●Although she was very experienced, she was not infallible

2..Pragmatic-A person who deals with things sensibly and in a practical way. (And not theoretically)
●The scientist had a pragmatic approach to deal with the water crisis.

3.Elude-escape from / avoid
●The thieves managed to elude the police for six weeks
●Catherine was extremely tired but sleep eluded him.

4.Spry- Active & energetic
(especially used for old persons)
●The old cat was so spry that it was halfway up the stairs before we could stop it.

5.Refute-prove to be false/incorrect (often by argument or evidence)
●The speaker refuted his opponent's arguements.

6.Indomitable-impossible to defeat (or someone who never gives up )
●he has an indomitable spirit..
●she had indomitable will

7.Blasé-Bored/not excited
●She was blasé about her study routine.

8.Mollify-to make someone less angry
●Time mollified his anger.
●I was very angry that the guy took my seat, but I was mollified when he offered me the window seat.

9.Surge-(a sudden powerful forward or upward movement, especially by a crowd or by tide) 
●At this time of year, monsoons in the area cause tidal surges and high waves.
●Ruby entered the room with the surge of the crowd.
●The only serious injury was sustained by a women who fell down stairs during a crowd surge.

10.Implore-to ask somebody to do something in an anxious way because you want or need it very much
●He implored her to think about their future..

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