How to Improve vocabulary?
Improving vocabulary might seem to be a daunting task for you but it is rather interesting task..
The reason why a lot of people fail to improve their vocabulary is because they employ the wrong strategy..Mugging up some words daily isn't going to help you..
Mistakes that people do in learning vocabulary:-
1.Cramming some words and their meaning daily
The vocabulary of a language doesn't only have to do with the meaning of the words..You don't actually learn a new word Unless you know to use it in a context.
2.Not using efficient resources
there are tons of applications or books out there that might help you improve your vocabulary but most of those aren't very efficient.Any resource is only going to help you if it is according to your needs and your level..
If you're an advanced learner, having a book with basic words wont help you at all
similarly for a very beginner learner, an advanced book wont help at all
3.Not using that word
if you've learnt a word but you've never used that word in your daily routine, That word is useless...moreover you'll soon forget that word..
4.Not actually understanding the word (word root)
A word is not learnt completely until and unless you get to know the meaning of word root of that word..
word roots also help you guess the meaning of new words you've never come across
How not to do these mistakes?and how to actually improve your vocabulary?
1.Learn to use the words in a context
There are some words which have more than 2-3 meanings according to the context in which they are used in.
2.Use personalized resources
Here at Elucified you will get personalized vocabulary lessons..We have various categories like beginner and advanced...
so whatever your level of your vocab is, this blog is going to help you for sure.
3.Learning words and using those
Make an habit to learn some new words which you come across and learn to use those words in a proper context..
and then use those words in daily conversation with your friends..
4...Understand the evolution of the word
The words are very interesting..A lot of words have evolved a lot and have undergone a change in their meaning as well..
English language has taken a lot of words from other languages e.g Latin.
So learning about word root and how a word evolved over time , will help you guess the meaning of another word with a similar word root,
1.Learn in a group
Instead of learning on your own , make a group of 3-4 friends because solo learning will get boring after some time..Learning something gets more interesting and beneficial if you learn in groups.
2.Learn some fancy words.
Now this is the most exciting part of vocabulary for me.I love to learn Awesome words.
e.g scrumptious=very tasty
lilliputian = very small
3.Follow shashi tharoor on twitter.
If by any chance, you don't know him...see some of his tweets below
He is author of many books as well..
4. Stay connected with this blog
because here we will provide you all the necessary resources that will help you improve your vocabulary.
2.Learn some fancy words.
Now this is the most exciting part of vocabulary for me.I love to learn Awesome words.
e.g scrumptious=very tasty
lilliputian = very small
3.Follow shashi tharoor on twitter.
If by any chance, you don't know him...see some of his tweets below
He is author of many books as well..
4. Stay connected with this blog
because here we will provide you all the necessary resources that will help you improve your vocabulary.
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